Neurological rehabilitation for persons with spinal cord injury
The complexity and diversity of the consequences of a spinal cord injury require a team that is skilled, prepared, trained and organized. Neuro-Concept’s multidisciplinary team has an advanced level of expertise for this type of clientele based on evidence and the latest scientific advances. The integration of technologies into our clinical practice modalities allows us to mobilize the person at a very early stage, regardless of the level of paralysis. This intensive approach responds to the double effort of re-education (objective of recovery) and rehabilitation (objective of adaptation to the handicap) of the clientele with spinal cord injury.

The spinal cord injury can have several origins (traumatic, vascular, degenerative, immunological, infectious, tumoral, etc.) whose consequences can be a complete or incomplete paraplegia (trunk and lower limbs) or quadriplegia (trunk and 4 limbs). Depending on the level and extent of the lesion, motor skills and sensitivity may be disturbed or completely impaired. The control of the various organs that depend on the affected neurological area may be disturbed: urinary continence disorders, sphincter disorders, genito-sexual disorders, digestive and cardiovascular disorders (dysautonomy), respiratory disorders…
Complementary therapies such as neurological physiotherapy, specialized massage therapy, robot therapy for loading and verticalization, functional electrical stimulation and mental imagery. These techniques stimulate neuroplasticity and can act on spasticity, neuropathic pain, wound prevention, osteoroporosis and other pathologies secondary to the injury. They can also help to gradually recover certain functions depending on the level and initial severity of the injury.
Neurological Kinesiology through physical activity also improves physical capacity and has a positive impact on muscle strength, which in turn affects wheelchair movement, transfers, sitting balance, endurance and flexibility, as well as cardio-vascular capacity. The neuro kinesiologist also aims to accompany the person in the appropriation of his body after spinal cord injury, to invest himself physically and recover a body as a source of pleasure. The practice of physical activity is also a support offering the person knowledge concerning the maintenance of his capacities and healthy lifestyle habits. Clients with spinal cord injury can also benefit from access to Neuro-Concept’s adapted gym during and after rehabilitation for training with the kinesiologist, follow an adapted activity class or training routine.

Our team of professionals will know how to guide you to your objectives