Therapies pricing

Therapies pricing

The prices of the therapies are tax included


Our physiotherapists are aware of your condition. Our team will do the best to provide you a high quality of service. Your health and wellness are important for us.

Neuro Physio

Adult and children clientlele (from 3 years old): stroke, spinal cord injury, spina bifida, cerebral palsy, Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis and any other neurological condition.

Clinical evaluation 160$ (1h45 session)

65$ treatment session of 30 minutes

85$ treatment session of 45 minutes

99$ treatment session of 60 minutes

informations for in-home services

Pool therapy at your place

Adult and children (from 3 years old) clientele with any neurological condition

Clinical evaluation 160$ (1h45 session)

105$ treatment session of 60 minutes

Location:  at your home

Vestibular rehabilitation

To help you with your dizziness, vertigo and other balance issues.

Initial evaluation + treatment 99$ (60 minutes session)

 65$ treatment session of 30 minutes

85$ treatment session of 45 minutes

95$ treatment session of 60 minutes

informations for in-home services

Perineal and pelvic rehabilitation

To help you with your urinary problems, pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic surgery symptoms

Initial evaluation + treatment 99$ (60 minutes session)

 65$ treatment session of 30 minutes

85$ treatment session of 45 minutes

99$ treatment session of 60 minutes

informations for in-home services

Orthopedic and sport Physiotherapy

Clientele: for all persons with musculoskeletal disorders or for sport people who want to prevent any injury and optimize their athletic performance.

Initial evaluation + treatment 99$ (60 minutes session)

 65$ treatment session of 30 minutes

85$ treatment session of 45 minutes

99$ treatment session of 60 minutes

unavailable for in-home services

Other therapies


100$ initial evaluation + treatment plan (1 hour session)

100$ one hour of treatment


100$ initial evaluation + treatment plan

50$ following-up sessions

On request

Occupational Therapy
