Treatments for sensory deficits
Sensitivity disorders are often present in several neurological conditions. They are related to damage to the nerve conduction pathways that transmit sensation. Several areas of the body may be affected partially or completely.
Sensitivity-related problems are described as numbness, tingling, electric shock, burning, a feeling of dripping or squeezing, pain on contact with an object (e.g., clothing), and difficulty distinguishing warm from cold1. Paresthesias or dysesthesias are used to describe abnormal sensations. Paresthesias are usually non-painful and not induced by an external agent, while dysesthesias are triggered by a stimulus and can be painful.

Sensation of touch, hot and cold, sensitivity to pain, and proprioception (a form of deep sensitivity) are assessed by the physiotherapist. Proprioception refers to the perception of the body’s position in space when, for example, our eyes are closed. It is our muscular, ligament and skin sensory receptors as well as our nerve centres that send this information so that we can adapt to our environment and perform our actions as well as possible.
With the use of our techniques, technologies (link to technology) and physiotherapy, you will be engaged in a variety of specific exercises that will stimulate your sensations and promote your balance (link to balance), postural adjustment and recovery of movement strategies.