A directory of useful articles and news on different practices and conditions in neurological rehabilitation.

Alcohol and Health

Alcohol and Health: dispelling the French paradox myth On a global scale, one out of every three individuals consumes alcohol, which is responsible for over…

Rehabilitation and physical health as an essential service

Rehabilitation and physical health as an essential service

With the Covid-19 pandemic, we were forced to realize that the field of rehabilitation and physical health was a forgotten part of the healthcare system…

What is Neuroplasticity

What is Neuroplasticity?

You might have already heard “c’est en forgeant qu’on devient forgeron” or as we say in English : “Practice makes perfect”. Well, let me give…

The service employment paycheck

The service employment paycheck

If you need help at home, your CLSC must assess your abilities and provide you with the help you need. Services can be provided in…

Physiotherapy, kinesiology, occupational therapy in neuro… How to decide?

There many different areas in the health care world. Which professional do you need? This is what we will try to clarify here.

Handicap, sexuality and… physiotherapy !

Handicap, sexuality and… physiotherapy !

With Saint Valentine’s Day having just passed, our thoughts were focussed on love, intimacy and sexuality. What about people with limited mobility, in wheelchairs, paraplegics…

Mental Health and Neurological Health

Mental Health and Neurological Health

Mental Health in Québec    On January 31, 2018, Bell hosted the “Bell Let’s Talk” initiative to create awareness and to encourage open discussion on…

How will Cannabis Legislation Impact Medical Cannabis?

How will Cannabis Legislation Impact Medical Cannabis?

The upcoming legalization of cannabis has been a hot topic this year. We all know people who use cannabis for medical purposes whether they have…

New Year’s Resolutions – How do I Make Sure these Changes Stick?

New Year’s Resolutions – How do I Make Sure these Changes Stick?

Happy 2018! We can’t escape it! Every year we make new resolutions. But we know we are not fools; what are the odds that we…

Kinova - assistive arms

Kinova – assistive arms

Québec is a land of technological innovation – something we can be proud of. Last November we were visited by Kinova, a company specializing in…

Spasticity, how do we manage it?

Spasticity, how do we manage it?

Spasticity is often associated with neurological difficulties. 65-78% of those who have suffered a spinal injury will experience symptoms of spasticity in the first year…

Muscle Soreness after workout – Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness

Muscle Soreness after workout – Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness

  « When I do my workout, I’m worried about doing too much. Sometimes afterwards, I feel bad for three days. It’s painful, and I feel…

Report on Montreal’s Adapted Sports’ Conference

Report on Montreal’s Adapted Sports’ Conference

On November 11, Montréal held its very first Conference on Adapted Sports. I had the pleasure of speaking at this conference organised by “CIVA”, an…

Multiple sclerosis and the strategies to “remain connected”

Multiple sclerosis and the strategies to “remain connected”

First, a short review of the facts : Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a degenerative, chronic disease. It cannot be healed, and its symptoms evolve over time.…